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Moms on Monday :: Insert Your Name Here

Am I the only one who thinks it would be delightful to see a product in a store - and know that it is a product idea, my imagination, my work, carried out to fruition?

Are you sitting on a great idea or invention and are waiting for the perfect timing? Have your dreams and passions fallen by the wayside while you are in the midst of raising children? I have come across a couple of opportunities that offer grants, prizes and awards to help you on your way. Now is the time! What are you waiting for?

This one is easy...everyone has a someday dream! One of mine is..."someday I'll have a dishwasher". I know - I dream big! Wells Fargo is hosting Someday Stories. All you need to do is submit a 250-word true story about your someday dream. Every week, a $1,000 winner is selected. If you are one of the five 1st prize winners, you win $10,000 and the grand prize is $100k! is an online community I recently discovered where you can share your ideas and enter to win $10,000 to get started. It is a great forum to gain advice from experts and overall input about whether or not consumers are into your idea as much as you are! And even if you aren't having any lightbulb moments, you can support and encourage other moms and entrepreneurs by voting for ideas that you feel are worthy. A $10,000 winner is selected monthly. It's addicting. You've been warned!

And, lastly, if you are already on your way...don't forget to enter the Mom's Choice Awards - an annual awards competition that recognizes authors, inventors, companies, parents and others for their efforts in creating quality family-friendly media, products and services. New categories have been added this year. Parents, educators, retailers and the media trust the Mom's Choice Awards® for product reviews and evaluations.

Good luck!

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