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Moms on Monday ::
Cathy Bennett of How Fast They Grow

If you are a mom, I know you can identify with Cathy Bennett. Cathy is the genius behind How Fast They Grow and the digi-scrapbook - a fail proof way to preserve your memories in beautiful, distinctive albums. The idea was born out of the frustration we all face - with a computer full of photos that are never printed or in albums. You know what I'm talking about!

iknowamom :: How and when did the idea strike for How Fast They Grow?

cathy :: I naively decided to 'take up' traditional scrapbooking when my son was a few weeks old. After purchasing hundreds of dollars in 12x12 pages, embellishments and supplies, I realized I wasn't cut out for the craft. It was time-consuming, messy and frustrating to me because I felt like my pages looked like a 5th grader made them. I am sure I would have become better and more efficient over time, but really didn't have the patience. I now jokingly call myself a scrapbooking dropout. I thought there must be a better digital solution on the internet, somewhere. But the digital solutions I found either required an advanced degree in digital design or had page designs that looked like the side of a Kleenex box. Like many people with careers in marketing, I had put together hundreds of presentations in Powerpoint and loved the way I could create something digitally and professionally in minutes with a great template designed by someone else. Once the idea for digi-scrapbook(R) came to me, there was really no stopping me from bringing it to market. I felt like the idea propelled me vs. the other way around.

iknowamom :: What has been the best part of owning your own business? And your biggest challenge?

cathy ::
I love the autonomy and the fact that my time is really my own vs. the corporate job I had before. The biggest challenge is that the workload has steadily increased since my business has grown, and continues to increase. While running the business, you also have to find ways to make it run better and more efficiently.

iknowamom :: What works for you, in terms of balancing work and family?

cathy ::
I constantly reprioritize, based on the phrase 'what's important now?'
I attended a speech many years ago by Lou Holtz (former football coach of Notre Dame) when I attended school there and he used it as a mantra, which spells the acronym 'WIN.' It really helps me day to day. Somedays the most important thing is an activity at my kids' preschool, some days it's working on PR or launching new designs. I am sure Mr. Holtz never expected his football acronym to help a mom entrepreneur, but it does!

iknowamom :: What is your source for inspiration?

cathy :: My source of inspiration is my children. Obviously, the idea of my business wouldn't have come about without first having a child, and I love the fact that my children are already engaged and aware of what I do, understand what mommy does and they love seeing the pages other mommies have created of their babies and children. It's really fun to go through the Gallery on my website with my kids and have them comment on the photos of other children. I also feel like I am building a legacy for my children, which you don't have with a corporate job.

iknowamom :: What is the best advice you received when you were just beginning?

cathy :: The first leap of faith in deciding to launch a business is extremely daunting, so I picked up two books about launching a business. One of the books was Martha Stewart's The Martha Rules: 10 Essentials for Achieving Success as You Start, Grow, or Manage a Business. The book has 10 rules, 9 of which are probably in other books on business. But the 10th "Rule" was unique and the one that stuck with me the most : "Make it Beautiful." I don't think a 'guy's' business book would have recommended something like that. But when you think about it, it's incredibly sound business advice. We live in a visual world, dominated by website marketing. If you don't differentiate yourself visually as a brand, you probably won't succeed. Although I don't have a design background, I made design a priority in everything I did, from the homepage of the website to the templates themselves. Martha's advice has definitely paid off for me!

iknowamom :: What are your favorite indulgences or the best way to spend a free day?

cathy :: Since there are very few free days, we really try to enjoy them. We can't travel right now, but we live in the Bay Area, so take day trips tourist-style with the kids. Last week, my husband and I took our 3 and 4 year old into The City (San Francisco) for their first Cable Car ride. Then we walked through China Town and it was amazing to see the kids be so enthralled by the new sites, sounds and smells of a totally different area. I look forward to exploring more with them as they get older and seeing the world again through their eyes. My favorite 'quick' personal indulgence is a really good manicure/pedicure. For about $40 and one hour, I feel like a new person!

DISCOUNT :: Use coupon code "iknowamom" for a 20% discount through August 11th! (Not valid on prior orders, gift certificates and cannot be combined with other offers.) Happy Digi-Scrapbooking!

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