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Moms on Monday :: Erin Johnson

It is very easy for me to lose hours viewing photography online. Case in point, I just lost one while perusing the online gallery of erin johnson photography. Truly amazing. One of my favorite galleries on her site is of birth photography - the photos bring tears to your eyes if you have been present for a delivery, either yours or a friends. It's so neat to be there for the very beginning of a life outside the womb. It's ironic, I was taking a walk just this afternoon with my mom and mentioned the regret of not having professional photos from the birth of my son. Hopefully, next time!

I was very excited to interview Erin - her work is inspiring and I so admire the art of photographs. I was eager to know more about her life as a mom + a photographer!

iknowamom :: How did you get into photography?

erin :: I have always been an artist. I went to Bethel College for one year were I took photography and was majoring in studio art. After that one year, I had too much debt so I worked 3 different waitressing jobs. It was at one of those jobs that someone told me about a children’s photography studio. I was dying to get back into art and this job was perfect for me. The studio specialized in hand painted photographs; so I oil painted photographs all day. Being around photography got me interested and I started take my own photographs of children and then I started assisting for wedding photography. I loved it all and found my new form of art. From the beginning, I never persued photography. God just made it happen and I followed.

iknowamom :: Do you have any formal training?

erin :: Other than one class that I took at Bethel College, I am self taught.

iknowamom :: What is your favorite backdrop or setting when taking photos?

erin :: Most photographers are looking for the water falls and the flowers. Not me. I {enjoy} anything rustic. I do most of my photographing on location so I run to the city. I also love bright doors or arches. I figure the grungier the place looks, the prettier my subject looks. Everywhere I drive I am constantly checking out what is around me and am thinking about whether it would be a good spot to take photos. I get bored fast so I like to go to a different place every time. The other thing I really {enjoy} is when the sun creates that spectacular glow on people. I love all the different effects I can get with the sun.

iknowamom :: What are your favorite subjects to photo?

erin :: I love photographing people! Kids are fun because they are so unpredictable. All I have to do is follow them around and they direct the shoot. On the other hand I also {enjoy} photographing a bride and groom because they always look gorgeous and romantic and I have so much control. Most of the time I get an hour with my couples on their wedding day and it is like a mini model/fashion shot. High school seniors are great in that way to; plus they are pretty much willing to do anything. One other thing that I photograph that I really enjoy is bellies, births and newborns. Being able to document a birth is one of the most magical things I have ever done. It always reminds me how I felt when I had my girls. On the flip side of that, the hardest thing I have ever photographed is a baby that had passed away. I volunteer for an organization called NILMDTS. One family lost their baby days before their due date and it was right around my daughter’s birthday. During the session the mom cried and cried and cried as she held her baby. I cried the whole way home and when I got home, I laid with my sleeping girls and cried. It took me days to get over it. And even now I cry thinking about those parents. It just makes me so grateful for what I have. It also amazes me what a priceless gift photography really is.

iknowamom :: What inspires you?

erin :: Places, light and people inspire me. Sometimes when I am just having a conversation with someone, I have a “zoom-in” moment. Or at least that is what I call it. In my mind I am thinking of all the different photographs I could be taking of that person. Like I said before, I love rustic background and dramatic lighting.

iknowamom :: How do you balance work/family?

erin :: This one brings tears to my eyes. If you asked me this one about a year ago I would have run to the bedroom and cried for 2 days. I started my business 5 years ago and I had my daughter about 1 month after that. We could not afford daycare nor did I want to use daycare so I had to work and take care of her. On top of that, I wasn’t ready to be a mom and she was a very difficult baby. I also let the business control me rather then me controlling it. I became a workaholic and we ended up in marriage counseling. After a few years and another baby, I made some major improvements. I set hours {I have a home office} and I started to hire people to work for me. I also put the kids in daycare 2 days a week. So the two days a week that my kids are in daycare I am working with my assistant in the office completely devoted to my work. {I also shoot on 2-3 days a week.} I take one day a week and leave the house with the kids to make sure I don’t work. So the best thing for me was to set hours and stick with it.

iknowamom :: Any tips that keep you organized and focused at each {a mom & photographer}?

erin :: What I saw was that when I was trying to be a mom and a boss at the same time {literally as the kids played/fought at my feet in the office} both were suffering. Plus my stress level was very high. Again setting those hours and designating time to each is what helped me.

iknowamom :: Do you have any funny stories when shooting a wedding or another occasion?

erin :: People ask me this all the time and I just can't think of any. Well, one time I was taking a photo of an entire wedding party and I told them to all make a serious face. One groomsman asked, “Serious like my grandma died or serious like I’m going to sleep with you?” hmm…

iknowamom :: That's funny. I can only imagine the comments you get when you're photographing. What do you love best about your work?

erin :: I love how happy I make people. I am giving something that is going to last years and generations. I could not ask for a better job!

If you live in the Minneapolis area, you're in luck. Erin is offering a $50 discount off your sitting fee & a free 8 x 10 if you mention I KNOW A MOM. If you are not in the area, I'm quite sure she would be willing to travel if you fall in love with her work like I have.

Thanks Erin!

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