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Moms on Monday :: Lisa Santos of Baby's Language

I discovered Baby's Language a couple months ago when searching for a unique gift for a friend having twins. Among many other adorable items, the Baby's Language collection includes fun + quirky twin sets...

Lisa Santos, owner of Baby's Language recounts the "birth" of her baby, "Baby's Language was born out of love. I was inspired from my daughter to communicate with her; I expanded my passion to communicate into a line of clothing. I was writing down all her coos & ahh's literally all her babbles and one day to my surprise we were communicating. I was overwhelmed with this discovery I thought I was super mom. One day while shopping on the World Wide Web for t-shirts I was in disbelief that I couldn't find one that I liked –all I found was the typical 'Drama Queen', 'My mom is hot' quotes and I didn't want Demi wearing (advertising) such a message. I believed and felt that I wasn't the only one having such issue. I was like what ever happen to the innocence of a child? And that's when a light bulb lid up!! I started making Baby's Language t-shirts on my kitchen table, I decided to create my own designs all of which I found amazingly, unique and simply adorable. To my surprise… I wasn't the only one. Demi would wear them to school, moms started asking me where did I get them, little did they know it was right from my kitchen table.... To make a long story short (too late), these amazingly creative tees promote confidence & communication between the parent and child."

iknowamom :: I am finding it hard these days to do everything myself. And, the minutia easily takes you away from the parts you love! Have you gotten to the point where you can hire anyone or trade services so you're not doing it all?

lisa :: I am proud and blessed to have the opportunity of hiring three great employees (printing, graphics & admin). They all help me on a daily basis to move Baby's Language forward.

iknowamom :: What does your average daily work / life balance look like? How much time do you work, play?

lisa :: I expect my business to grow daily; therefore I plan ahead. I have priorities; I'm learning that if everything is important, then nothing is important. I must say, "I have not played in a while". It's okay; it feels like I'm playing right now ;). I would say I'm always doing something working on something. I'm so used to it -I think if I stop for a few days I'll get sick, i'll wonder if there is a bug going around. My schedule is pretty flexible & my family is my priority therefore we don't bump heads too often. And finally having a partner that supports your dreams & ambition helps tremendously.

iknowamom :: What is the biggest challenge you face on a daily basis?

lisa :: Not being able to spend some precious moments with my daughter.

iknowamom :: What keeps you from giving up when you are frustrated or run into a problem?

lisa :: Having the end in mind helps me tremendously. I really don't call then problems when an interruption occurs I play around it, I look for a solution –I know there is one. I believe there is an answer and solution to everything. I am persistent. And of course a look at my daughter makes me smile and look at the situation on a brighter scale.

iknowamom :: What inspires you?

lisa :: My family. My Daughter. everything that surrounds me really. We are grooming our next leaders and I want to be a part of that. Have the opportunity to help others in need. This has always been a life long goal of mine and I am determined to find a way to give to children in any way possible. Baby's Language is my passion and I am going to pursue my dream with my daughter by my side and develop a successful company.

iknowamom :: What is your favorite product in the baby's language collection?
lisa :: I can't really pick one. Can I say the entire collection? But if you twist my arm I would say the "uhh oh" Danger tee, and the "copy" "paste" for the twins. I value the fact that everyone can relate to the baby's language brand.

iknowamom :: What is the one piece of advice you would give to moms thinking about starting their own business or in the beginning stages?

lisa :: Believe in yourself first, Stay focus, love what you do, do what you love, be persistence, & keep a business journal!! Be Active!! Talk about your business, plan it, get resources, answers, visualize. Be Productive!! From being productive you gain results. Results have been proven from being active & productive. In other words you can be active on a project for 30 days. You will talk about it, write down notes, research information, but are you getting results? Are you producing something out of the notes, & the resources? Not unless you apply action.

iknowamom :: And, your favorite indulgences?

lisa :: I don't really know if my answers are considered to be indulgences but giving, donating, sponsoring, helping others less fortunate allows me to feel pleasure & alive. And lets not forget some fresh shrimp too.

*The reason why I emphasized the World Wide Web is because the Internet is the new electricity, it's the new television & phone, a must have accessory in the household and a t-shirt is in the same ballpark –it is the most worn item in the world.

Baby's Language LLC" WAS FOUNDED ON THE BELIEF THAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Our motto is "Focus on Life" Be the dreamer, have hope and love the possibilities of life. It is really about celebrating Family, Life & friends. Appreciate it and saying thank you.

DISCOUNT :: 10% off any purchase at Baby's Language.
Enter code "iknowamom".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your twins shirts! I'm looking for some cute summertime t-shirts for my 18 month old baby boys.