Cool Stuff. Cute shops. Talented Designers.
Women Entrepreneurs. Inspired Artists.
Gifted Writers. Creative Crafters. Smart Businesswomen.
All Moms.

Moms on Monday :: {Insert Your Name Here}

Have you been bitten? {as Sarah Jessica would say} Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug?

Lori Pope, founder of Baby Plays, contacted me to let me know about the Whirlpool Mother of Invention Grant. Lori will serve as one of the judges for this years' grant, alongside Julie Aigner-Clark, founder of Baby Einstein and Co-Founder of The Safe Side.

It's such a great offer! Have you had a genius idea - maybe while you're up with a crying baby at 3am or when you ran into an everyday problem with no solution? Here is a fantastic opportunity to win a $20,000 grant to bring your idea to life.

I wish you the best of luck and I am looking forward to interviewing you one day soon! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Whitney for your support of Whirlpool Mother of Invention Grant Contest. I am so excited about working with Julie Clark to help 5 lucky moms get closer to their business goals. Each and everyone of us are creators. I encourage any mom who has a fantastic idea that meets an unmet need in the market place, to participate in this contest. It's free and there will be 5 winners.
Best of luck!