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Moms on Monday :: The Baby Planners

"We take the labor out of your delivery."

Now I know I have your attention. No, they're not anesthesiologists, they are Melissa Gould + Ellie Miller - The Baby Planners! Based out of Los Angeles (but are available via email/telephone and travel, too), Melissa + Ellie help you navigate the endless array of choices and decisions you are faced with when expecting a baby. It can be very overwhelming and if you have a career while you are expecting, finding the time to research and plan is nearly impossible. This is where The Baby Planners come in!

The inspiration behind The Baby Planners...

"As working moms, we were overwhelmed in our attempt to juggle work, pregnancy and the multitude of preparations necessary for our babies’ arrivals. We both wasted precious time and energy searching for the best baby products which seemed to change on a daily basis. This emotional, anxiety-ridden time was the inspiration behind The Baby Planners™. Our goal is to provide our clients with the research, recommendations and reassurance we wish we had. By relying on our experience and expertise, we know you’ll be able to focus on what’s really important, the arrival of your baby."

iknowamom :: In what aspect of planning for baby do you find the most anxiety with new moms?

the baby planners :: Everything! We find that it's which products they need, when they need them and if they need them at all. Things like plastic or glass bottles, cloth or disposable diapers, bumpers on the crib or no bumpers.... all of this can be stress inducing. Throw a few in-laws into the mix and havoc ensues! We try to be the one definite voice our clients can count on in the roar of consumerism and family/friends opinions!

iknowamom :: In your experience, what do expecting moms often fail to plan for?

the baby planners :: Okay, brace yourself. They fail to plan for their baby's future. While they know which toys they want them to play with and which car seat is safest, they don't think - and don't want to think - about creating a will and/or living trust. These decisions are difficult but essential for every family. We recommend a fabulous book to our clients by Alexis Martin Neely called "Wear Clean Underwear! A fast, fun, friendly - and essential - guide to legal planning for busy parents." To us, this is a must-have in every registry!

iknowamom :: What are your favorite stores to turn to for baby registry and/or baby gear?

the baby planners :: There are so many fabulous stores - brick and mortar and online - that it's hard to narrow it down. Whether you chose a superstore or boutique, our philosophy is you can find amazing, safe, and fun baby products with a little due diligence.

iknowamom :: What advice do you have for other moms that are interested in starting their own business?

the baby planners :: It takes a tremendous amount of time and energy, and it might not be the perfect family-friendly financial solution immediately, but stay the course and believe in what you're doing. Of course, a great business partner you spend more time with than your husband has certainly helped keep our dream alive!

iknowamom :: What is the best part of doing what you do?

the baby planners :: Okay, it sounds corny, but helping parents-to-be is incredibly rewarding. The big pay off are the birth announcements we receive in the mail! Also, we particularly LOVE working with adoptive parents - they're nothing like getting the phone call that baby is on the way.

iknowamom :: What is your favorite magazine & why?

the baby planners :: Inc. It's a fabulous resource for entrepreneurs and has steered us in the right direction more times than we can even calculate. That being said, and with summer approaching, nothing beats People or US for those infrequent but necessary beach days!

Thanks Ellie + Melissa! It sounds like a lot of fun and really neat to be involved in such a special time for families.

Be sure to check them out - The Baby Planners also offer a variety of gift plans, including certificates...what a perfect gift for a first time mom's baby shower! Now we just have to find someone to help with middle of the night feedings!

1 comment:

Petit Elefant said...

What a great interview! Thanks for sharing.