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A Makeover for Your Morning Coffee

My apologies for missing our weekly Moms on Monday post yesterday - rest assured, we'll be back next week with an interview from a mom with a brand new website that you won't want to miss.

In the meantime, I decided to dedicate this weeks' posts to great finds that will most definitely add a little sparkle to the humdrum routine of your day.

I love the idea of stashing one of these printed whimsical coffee sleeves from ScissorStitch (an etsy shop) in your bag to add a little pizazz to your morning java from the local coffee shop. I love accessories + my one cup of coffee in the morning is admittedly one of my favorite times of the it's only natural that I love the idea of combining the two.

ScissorStitch also designs bibs, soft blocks and more - check them out and add some fun to your little one's day, too!

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