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Moms on Monday :: Lisa Druxman of Stroller Strides

I admit it - I'm stealing an article again! Due to busy-ness and an extremely cranky 18 month old who is working on his canines, I was not able to secure a Moms on Monday column this week. So, I am referring you to an article by mom, speaker, author, columnist, inventor and entrepreneur extraordinaire...Lisa Druxman. Lisa Druxman is likely the most famous mompreneur - she founded Stroller Strides, and among many other things, she is a columnist at - a fabulous resource for anyone starting a business. This week, I turned to one of her most recent columns ::

"Unstoppable Moms.

Feeling afraid and overwhelmed? Let these successful women who
overcame significant obstacles inspire you.

Here's the point: No business exists without obstacles. If it were easy, everyone would do it. If you speak to any successful entrepreneur, you'll find that they all have one thing in common. They are unstoppable. Give them an obstacle and they will go around it, dig under it or climb over it.

Does that mean if you're fearful of these challenges that you shouldn't move forward with your business? Not at all. We all have fear.

Fear is probably the biggest thing that holds people back from starting their own business. Fear of failure, fear of losing money, fear of not knowing what to do. For a mom entrepreneur, the fear factor is probably heightened since we're even more concerned about the impact of the business on our family. The only thing that separates those who become entrepreneurs from those who don't is moving forward despite any fear." more.