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Great Green Tips + Giveaway Winner

Well, my dears....we have a winner from the Ginormous Green Giveaway! Not only do we have a winner - we have compiled such a great list of green tips, we could write a book. Thank you for your participation and for all of your ideas. We had over 400 comments and as you look through them, there are bound to be some you had not considered before. Here are a few that were new to me and ones I plan on implement soon.
  • Take tupperware to restaurants to use for take-home food. Dining out is one of our favorite things to do and we often leave with leftovers. My "mom" bag is surely big enough to tote my own take out container.

  • Gathering empty cereal boxes - after all, you probably go through several a week - and re-using them as "bricks" to make a playhouse or fort for the kids.

  • Switch to cloth napkins instead of paper - a minor inconvenience but it adds a little pizazz to week-night dinners. :)

  • And all of the great tips for re-using items around the house :: never scrapping paper at the home or office - cutting up old clothes for rags - using old medicine bottles and baby food jars for storing small items - loaning items you are not using to friends - shopping thrift...the list goes on and on!

Thank you, again, for all who entered and a huge congratulations goes to: tarynATnewangels whose green tip was..."We buy Teddie peanut butter and use the jars as drinking glasses, food containers & other various storage. We also use a clothesline in the warm months. Thanks!"

You are one lucky girl! Please email your shipping information to info{at} with "I'm the Winner!" in the subject line and I will work with the sponsors right away to get your green goods shipped soon!

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