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Moms on Monday :: Victoria of Little Green Star

I recently came across Little Green Star - a collection of 100% organic cotton tees that coin clever taglines pertaining to the environment. It's a great way to start the conversation with your children about caring for and preserving God's earth. They offer sizing from 3 months - 6T! Here are a couple of our faves:

Want to know more? You're in luck! Here is a little more from co-founder, Victoria.

:: Can you tell me a little bit about
how & where the idea struck for
Little Green Star and how it grew into a business?

victoria :: Kelley and I, both founders of Little Green Star, met working at an environmental consulting company several years ago. We hit it off right away and always had fun while working. But after each going in different directions, Kelley had an idea to write a children's book about the environment. The book was so fun to write, but getting a children's book published is not the easiest thing to do, so we were trying to come up with ways to still get our message out. I had a new baby on the way and somehow the idea of t-shirts came up! I think the Hybrid shirt was the first shirt that we thought of. So just like that, our focus shifted and we had all kinds of fun ideas for t-shirts! So pretty much Little Green Star was born in my kitchen one night! After we came up with the name we liked we were so thankful the domain name was available!! I can still remember how excited we were!

iknowamom ::
What does a typical day look like for you? What does your average daily work / life balance look like? How much time do you work, play?

victoria ::
I have two boys, 4 and 2, so pretty much my day revolves around them. I'm trying really hard to be more organized and devote only certain times to Little Green Star vs trying to send emails, package up shirts, and make breakfast all at the same time. From reading your previous interviews, I'm already inspired to get more organized with my time! Right now though I pretty much work during naptime and after the boys go to bed. I work a lot in the evenings, but because its so fun, it doesn't feel like work. Kelley and I send a lot of text messages!

iknowamom ::
What is the biggest challenge you face on a daily basis?

victoria ::
Time management. I think I'd rather play than work! When staying home with 2 kids, you pretty much don't have a choice sometimes! But I think trying to get too much done can be stressful, so I really am working on being more organized with home/kid stuff, which in turn, makes me more organized with work stuff.

What keeps you from giving up when you are frustrated or run into a problem?

Kelley is not only my business partner but totally my best friend! We can talk something out like no one else! So I think we help each other when things happen, one will boost the other one back up or just make the other one laugh so we feel better. We try to remember the positive things that are going on and then we usually can get through the situation.

:: What inspires you?

victoria ::
My family. My boys make me want to be a better everything. I love hearing my older boy talk about recycling or being an explorer, it inspires me to keep going and to work harder at get kids learning about the environment and science. My husband also plays a big role in Little Green Star, as does Kelley's husband. Its really a family company! So its inspiring to see us all working together on this.

iknowamom ::
What is the one piece of advice you would give to moms thinking about starting their own business or in the beginning stages?

victoria ::
Love what you are doing. If you believe in it, keep going! I really feel like starting Little Green Star has made me a better mom. There are times when it makes me be away from the boys, but I think in the end, I'm happier for doing something I love and in turn, I'm just a better mom for it. I've also learned so much about organic products, what to look for in cleaning supplies, or the types of toys we get our kids. If what you do can be included in your family in some way, then you'll have a better experience with it.

iknowamom ::
How do you get the word out about Little Green Star?

victoria ::
Blogs, blogs, and blogs. I love blogs! There are so many fabulous blogs out there devoted to moms, green moms, green products, science blogs... its endless! So we do a lot of shameless plugs, and most places usually write about us! Some find us, which is great too. Its been a really fun way to "meet' people. We've met a lot of really nice and supportive people. Plus, its free advertising! Well, some like to see samples first, but most don't. So for us, thats been mostly what we've been doing. We also do some local events here in San Francisco and plan on doing the Green Festival this year also.

iknowamom ::
And, my favorite question of all – your favorite indulgences?

victoria ::
Hmmm.... the first thing that came to mind was going out to dinner with just my husband! But others would be making brownies and eating mostly the batter, watching some of my favorite shows in bed (America's Next Top Model anyone?), or just having a nice cup of tea with my mom!

Oh yeah, brownie batter...yum. Why haven't they made that into an ice cream yet? :) Thanks Victoria! I love hearing about where the idea strikes - it seems to most often happen during "life as usual" - in the kitchen, giving your child a just goes to show you, moms are always thinking!

If you fancy the Little Green Star collection as much as I do, don't wait to make your first purchase. They are celebrating spring by offering a 10% discount through March 31st. Details here!

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