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Moms on Monday :: Katie Richardson of Puj + Giveaway

I recently discovered Puj :: Simplifying Parenthood and was delighted when I saw their Go Sling and even more so when I read about it. Many slings that are out on the market today are very complicated and sometimes are not so pretty. I could tell at first glace that the Go Sling was stylish, but was it simple, convenient? Yes and yes! Take a look at the video on their website and just see how easy it is to use! And one lucky reader will find out firsthand....see details below. But first, let's get to know Katie Richardson, owner of Puj!

iknowamom :: Tell us a little about the beginning.

katie :: Puj (pronounced like "pudge") was started out of a need to simplify my life as a parent. I was a product designer before I was a Mom and so after having kids it was natural for me to go this direction. I saw too many products that were just adding to the chaos of daily life instead of making improvements. As a parent, I want products that are simple, intuitive & beautiful. So at Puj, that is what we do. All of this also needed to be reflected in the company name. I wanted a name that was simple, iconic, and even humorous. So Puj was the perfect fit

iknowamom :: What does a typical day look like for you? How much time do you work, play?

katie :: Being a Mom is my number one job. And that is really what Puj is about, helping you focus on your child. I have two boys, 4 and 2, and they love getting out and playing. We ride our bikes around the neighborhood or like to go play at the park or just play games at home. I do have to put in some time each day for Puj answering emails or returning calls, but I can typically get that done during nap time. We are fortunate enough to contract a lot of the work load out.

:: What is the biggest challenge you face on a daily basis?

katie :: My biggest daily challenge is keeping my kitchen floor free of crumbs & stickiness. It seems like without fail as soon as I mop someone spills orange juice or leaves little drips of syrup all over the floor that I have to track down and clean-up before it's everywhere. You other mothers know exactly what I'm talking about and let me know if you have a good solution.

iknowamom :: Yes, pleeeease leave a comment if you have suggestions. Having hardword floor and living near the ocean attracts so much dust and I feel like I feel crumbs under foot the minute I sweep - I agree that it is a huge challenge! What keeps you from giving up when you are frustrated or run into a problem?

katie :: My husband. He is my biggest believer and helps me think big and encourages me to follow my dreams. I am trying to build something that will eventually be helping parents all around the world and improving their quality of life. It's thinking about each of these parents and reading the emails of so many grateful mothers that keeps me going.

iknowamom :: What inspires you?

:: My children for one. There are also so many beautiful forms and colors one can find just in their own back yard, and my children are always pointing these out to me. And European designers. They tend to have a real ability to simplify things and create clean and beautiful forms.

iknowamom :: What is the one piece of advice you would give to moms thinking about starting their own business or in the beginning stages?

:: Do something you're passionate about. You need to set out clear goals and build your road map to accomplish those goals. You will find road blocks along the way but push through, there's always another way. Don't let people tell you "no". You are the one with the vision and passion and if someone doesn't "get it" move on. Don't waste your time with non-believers but instead surround yourself with people who believe in you. You can do it!

iknowamom :: How do you get the word out about Puj Baby?

katie :: I started selling the Puj Go sling about a year ago and it has grown tremendously. In July of 2007 we had about 7 stores carrying our product and now we are in over 70 stores! When you have a product that is simple and works well, word gets out and it starts to sell itself. Mom's tell their girlfriends who tell their sisters who tell their girlfriends. Word of mouth is huge with us because each person has their own story and testimonial as to why they love the Puj Go sling. Mom blogs are also a great tool because it is an easy way for someone like me to tell my story and a great resource to Mother's all over the world!

iknowamom :: It sounds like having two little ones and a business keeps you busy! What is for you? Your favorite indulgences?

katie :: My favorite indulgence is a great pair of shoes! Shoes can make or break an outfit. (they can also make a very tired mommy very happy!) I try to keep my shoes classic because I want them to last me a while. And I also like them colorful. Most of all, they need to be comfortable!!! Once again the beautiful yet practical side of me comes through. They can't just be cute. If it doesn't work well it's junk!


Puj is offering free ground shipping for iknowamom readers through the month of April. Details

{GIVEAWAY} Puj is giving a GO sling to one reader! Visit the puj website and tell me which design you love most and let me know by posting a comment here!

Guidelines: You have until midnight PST on Thursday, April 3rd to enter this giveaway. To enter, you just make a comment ON THIS POST! Anonymous comments will be ignored/removed. One entry per person, please. The winner will be randomly picked and announced Friday morning (the 4th).
** Remember to check back to see if you won + to claim your prize.**


Unknown said...

I adore the "kate" style!

Kimmie said...

The "heather" rocks!

Kimber said...

I love the chloe!

Laura said...

I really like the chloe design. But it was a tough choice, they're all great!

Lisa Leonard said...

the heather is my fave. could she be any more darling?! so inspiring!!

Judy Dodgen said...

I love this! So simple! I was planning to get a moby wrap but this seems so much simpler. I am completely torn between the chloe and the heather designs. Both are beautiful and whimsical. Thanks for sharing your story and sorry i have no ideas about keeping the floor clean.

windycindy said...

Their slings are wonderful! The fabric choices are super and they look very comfortable! Please enter me in your drawing. I like the "Chloe" design the best. Thanks,Cindi

The Jensens (Lakewood, Ca. branch) said...

I love them all, but I am especially drawn to the fabric on the Florence. Therefore, my vote is for the Florence design.

monarte said...

I'm hoping to Surprise my daughter, with the "kate", to carry her baby girl, she would win the Mother on the "Go" award. And I would love to "sling" my Grand daughter on my hip, and give my arms a rest. Please enter me in the giveaway. Much LOVE

The Haughs said...

I SO need one of those - one of the twins always wants to be held/carried around. . . and Isaac always needs me to have my hands free. . .

I'll have to say "Kate" is my favorite, although they are all great!


grubb girls said...

My fave is the "kate"! Great give away! Thanks!
julieturnergrubb at hotmail dot com

Courtney said...

I had such a hard time choosing just one...but I think the Chloe was my favorite! They look awesome!!!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Heather for maybe Cloe. Oh I can't decide. Heather. Definitely Heather. Going with Heather.

Showers said...

I really like the 'heather'; it is pretty and feminine, but not too girlie. Does that make sense? Also, the colors could bridge the gap between my wardrobe and my daughters.

Scary Mommy said...

I love them all, but REALLY love the Chloe :)

TashaEE said...

The "kate" is absolutely beautiful. My daughter loves being close to me, she isn't much for being in a stroller...she is a sling girl. I love the idea of a sling without all the fabric which needs to be wrapped around you...those just seem like a whole lot of work to me.

Anonymous said...

I love the "Kate" style. It is so beautiful and also shares the name of my daughter!! katebeth45ATgmailDOTcom

Jen D. said...

I like all the fabrics. I guess the Florence since my youngest is a boy.

Brenna Stull said...

I'm going with the Florence. They are all wonderful, though!

Laura said...

They are all great prints, but I'd have to say the Dianna is my fav! I might have to start lifting weights with one of these ... carrying around my little one is what keeps my arms strong, but it would be nice to have an extra hand or two :)

Carita Mom said...

WOW! This sling is great!!!!!
My vote is for Heather! I'm curious though... can the sling be used for breastfeeding. I used a ring sling to cover up when I was breastfeeding. Could that be addressed in the FAQ section?