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Moms on Monday :: Co-Founder Susan Doris of Robbie Adrian

Have you ever noticed that organic apparel, blankets, bibs, burp cloths, etc. often come in one color - ivory - and are not always as soft as non-organic cotton products? won't find that at Robbie Adrian...where they are as passionate about luxury and style for your baby as they are about the environment.

Co-founders, Robbie + Susan met while working at the same large company. “We worked together for 16 years, she handled operations and I did the marketing, so we knew we made a great team,” says Susan. “Robbie had the creative bug, and it was the classic Mompreneur story. She would work all day, go home fix dinner for her family, put her kids to bed and then stay up late sewing prototypes of products to design and sell. As Robbie started telling me about what she was doing, her ideas got my marketing ideas flowing! Honestly, we hit on baby blankets because it was something we could sew ourselves in the beginning!”

Robbie came up with the final idea for the product one weekend. “I had an epiphany,” says Robbie. “ I went to a baby shower for my sister-in-law, who received many organic baby gifts. As she opened the organic gifts, they were so plain compared to the non-organic gifts she opened, which were cute and colorful and stylish! I kept thinking “Gosh, too bad no one is making products that are colorful, stylish and organic! I went home and told Susan about it and the idea for Robbie Adrian luxury organics was born!”

iknowamom ::
What one piece of advice would you give to moms who want to start a business or are in the beginning stages?

susan ::
To just "keep on keepin' on"! Robbie and I say this to each other frequently. It is so easy to become discouraged, with the occasional frustrations, or bits of bad news, that you just have to put your head down and keep on going! Starting a business is fun, exhilarating, and hard work. In the beginning it is so exciting, it is easier to keep on charging. The harder part is when you've launched and you get down to the more nitty gritty, you just have to keep on keeping on! Keep your dreams in mind, and keep focused on where you're headed!! Also, realistically, it will take probably more time and effort than you had imagined to make your business a success - don't be discouraged!! Talk with other entrepreneurs, make sure you have a good support group, or join a group of other entrepreneurs to keep that energy going. If you are passionate about what you are doing - it will all be worth it, so "keep on keepin' on"!

iknowamom :: How has your life changed since starting your business?

susan ::
It has become WAY more exciting! Every day brings a new challenge, a new victory or something completely unexpected - it's great! We are probably working harder than we have ever worked, but also having more fun. It's fun to have your own business, one that you really take pride in, and care about. It is especially rewarding when other people see what you are doing and are also passionate about your product - that is fun!

iknowamom ::
How do you handle complications, failures, disappointments?

susan ::
Well, we try and be adaptable, and learn to "go with the flow". We try and make adjustments where needed, be thoughtful about things that don't work, so that we can change them into things that DO work. We also try and keep things in perspective. It is hard to not take things personally when it is a business and product that has so much of you in it, but we try and look at all the good things we have done. Some early good advice we received was to celebrate each little success that you achieve. That keeps you focused on the things you do RIGHT and also conditions you to keep shooting for success (because you get a little mini celebration after each one!) - that way, when you hit the occasional bump in the road, you can balance it with all of the great things you have accomplished!

{Editor's Note:
While it sometimes seems like "going green" is the phrase of the day or something cool to say, it is important to stop and think about where some of our products come from. I was reading a little bit more about Robbie Adrian and wanted to share some of their research here. "Most parents would be shocked to learn that their baby’s favorite blanket might be made with some very “un-snuggly” ingredients! Polyester, (the fabric of most “trendy” blankets on the market) is made from two petroleum derivatives, one of which is ethyl glycol commonly known as anti-freeze. Polyester can contain other chemicals including Teflon and antimony, a catylist (Google both, neither of them makes you feel warm and fuzzy). Other commonly marketed baby blankets are made from conventional cotton, which is produced with toxic chemicals (according to a variety of sources, it takes approximately 1/3 pound of chemicals to produce one cotton t-shirt) and 7 of the top 15 pesticides used on conventional cotton are listed by the EPA as either “known” or “suspected” carcinogens. For parents who care about the environment, and concerned about the chemicals used, both of these choices present problems."}

When you choose Robbie Adrian products...this is what you can be sure of :: Robbie Adrian blankets are made in the US with 100% certified USA grown, organic cotton fleece or velour, with a natural silk trim. The dyes used are low impact, so they don’t contain harmful heavy metals. The cotton is grown in Texas and milled in the Carolina’s and the blankets are assembled and shipped from California.

Robbie Adrian is offering a 10% discount to iknowamom readers starting today through April 17th! Just enter the coupon code "MOM" at checkout and the discount will be applied.

Thank you Susan & Robbie - for recognizing the need & filling it for us!

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