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Holiday Promo :: FRANKLIN GOOSE

I've got a really great product review coming up from a newly-discovered site that I heart heart heart! Franklin Goose has the kind of kid products that you love so much, you wanna just buy them for yourself. {Am I alone here? Anyone?}

Meanwhile, I wanted to let you all in on a great holiday promotion going on at their site so you can get your fill of goodies while you wait!

From now until Christmas, Franklin Goose is going to be
granting your holiday wishes.

Yep! They are doing random drawings, giving away an item on someone’s wishlist or registry. So, if you create {or already have} a wishlist or a baby registry you have the chance to get one of your items as a gift! It's easy - just click to create a registry or wishlist.

Please make sure to pass this along to your friends and family so they have a chance to win, too!

p.s. If you buy something and put it in your own stocking, I promise not to tell!

The giveaway ends on December 20th.

Meanwhile, stay tuned ~ I've got some fun product reviews in the lineup!

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