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Paper Shouts Giveaway

As you know, I am a big fan of Paper Shouts. In fact, I plan on using them *very soon* for birth announcements. WELL...

Paper Shouts has partnered with 20th Century Fox to give you a taste of some great style and great fun. Paper Shouts and 20th Century Fox is giving you a chance to not only win a copy of the newly released movie, BRIDE WARS, but also a $25 gift certificate to Paper Shouts. And if you are the lucky winner here, you will also be entered to win other prizes including...
  • Grand Prize: 6 nights at the CasaMagna Marriott Cancun Resort and airfare for 2 on AirTran airlines.
  • 1st prize: Sunglasses Worn by Kate Hudson in BRIDE WARS movie and $100 Paper Shouts Gift Certificate.
  • 2nd Prize: BRIDE WARS one-sheet signed by Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway and $50 Paper Shouts gift certificate.

    Have you seen the movie? Anne Hathaway & Kate Hudson play best friends {since childhood}, they become engaged within a few hours of each other and together, they begin to plan their weddings. A clerical error at the wedding location and subsequent clash in wedding dates pits the two brides – neither of whom will step aside – against each other, in a competition that quickly escalates into all-out war. Fun, huh?
Well, if you haven't seen it, you can purchase the movie when it is released in just one week - on April 28th. In the meantime, enter the giveaway here - on this post. We're going to make you work a little for this one, though. After all, you have the potential to win a 6 night vacation in Cancun! For reals! To enter, post a comment on this post. Let me know which character's style you relate to more...Emma's traditional, romantic style or Liv's couture, "only the best" approach AND also let me know your favorite Bridal Shouts card. You can find them here. Enter by Wednesday, May 6th at 10:00 pm (pst). If your contact information is not linked to your google account, don't forget to leave your contact information in your comment. (If winner does not come forward within 48 hours, a new winner will be randomly selected.) Check back on Thursday, May 7th to see if you won! Anonymous comments will be ignored. One entry per person, please. Good luck!!


windycindy said...

What a delightful prize package giveaway drawing. My favorite card is the "Love Red Floral" Wedding
Invitation. It sets off the wording nicely and doesn't distract from it!
Without a doubt, the style of Emma is more me. I am only comfortable
in traditional clothing. When I want to have fun, dressing in a romantic outfit makes me feel feminine. There is nothing I have to prove by "only the best for
me attitude." Cost does not equal
fashion sense and/or taste.
Many thanks, Cindi

noreen said...

Emma's traditional, romantic style
I love the soft blue of the vintage set

Anonymous said...

Like Emma, I think of myself as always the romantic. However, I'd like to think I have some of both of their qualities.
The Tangerine Floral is festive, yet subtle. Very pretty.

Unknown said...

What a GREAT giveaway :) It was so hard to narrow down my fave Bridal Shouts Card but I love the Wedding Buds with the chocolate & blue colors!! It is so classy!!

Without a doubt I would have to say my style is more Emma's traditional, romantic style!! Simple but Chic!!

Good luck to everyone!!
Mommy of 2

Unknown said...

I would say that I am like Emma, traditionalist.

I beilieve that it doesn't matter if you get married in a church, at the justice of the peace or in Vegas as long as you marry who you were meant to be with! Of course, you should look great while you say your vows! Because once the kids come along.....that image will be what he holds on to;)

My favorite Bridal Shout is the Little Bit'a Chocolate Lace. It is tastefully trendy.


Brandi Smith

Laura said...

My style is definitely more like Liz ... and my fav card set is the peapod springtime


Bhavesha said...

I'm a mix of both I suppose- I like romantic but unique and different (like me!). My favorite is the coral metallic in the couture collection. though- just love the color and design!

marlena said...

I'm more like Emma and love the Pink Stamp Birthday Invite!

marlena said...

Oops...picked a bday invite instead of bridal...sorry! overwhelmed by all the lovely choices!! I love the Spa Blue Shower Invite from the Bridal Shouts!
please disregard previous entry

valerie2350 said...

Emma - traditional romantic

Springtime Peapod floral - pretty pretty :)

Li'l MG said...

Yah, i think i've got more "Liv" in me than "Emma!" Sassy (but I'd like to think I'm romantic, too!)!!
My favorite Bride Shouts are the Modern B&W Floral Engagement cards--gotta have the picture in it and it's so classy looking! Thanks for the chance!

chigirljenn at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I would have to say I am more traditional and romantic so I would go with Emma!
I love the Cranberry Floral Photo Invites