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Moms on Monday :: Cortney Novogratz of SIXX Design

Cortney Novogratz is a :: designer, author, mother of six (and one on the way) - that's not a typo! She really is all these things - and is doing a swell job at it, I might add. Cortney and her husband, are the owners of SIXX DESIGN, a development and design firm with properties throughout Manhattan. Oh how I would love to have a camera on her for a day, but I settled for answers to a few questions on inspiration and how she does it all...

i know a mom :: Where does your inspiration come from?

cortney ::
New York is very inspirational! Every time I walk out the front door. Also, my family, travelling and just the diversity of what I do every day inspires me.

i know a mom :: What does your ideal workday look like?

cortney :: I take the kids to school in the morning, do errands, work on our various design projects, have meetings with our clients, and then we all catch up at the house in the evenings for family dinner, where we can discuss our day together! The best days are the ones where our design comes to fruition and everybody in the family has had a successful, happy day.

i know a mom :: What is your best piece of advice for successfully managing business & family?

cortney :: We try to work locally so we don’t have to be away from the kids. I would urge every mom out there to follow her dream and try to do what you love. It’s very rewarding. And to keep your priorities straight. Whatever is really the most important to you, put that first, and the rest will follow.

i know a mom :: What are your favorite blogs/resources/books/websites?

cortney :: I love all the design blogs, there are so many of them. It’s interesting to see what drives other people in the creation of their environments. And so many of them blog about SIXX Design, our company, which is gratifying and fun! As for resources, I read a lot of different design magazines, many of them from around the world, and books about artists I am interested in, or architects, etc. I also read a lot of parenting blogs and hear what other moms have to say!

i know a mom :: What is the best thing about working with your husband? I won't ask the worst. :-)

cortney :: He can take over on the days I am not feeling it! And because we’re committed to a big career and a big family, you really need somebody who understands what you are going through and what kind of support you need, and that is a big part of our partnership!

i know a mom :: What is next for you, your family & business?

cortney :: Well, for our family, we are expecting a new addition on February 1st. We’re not sure if it will be a boy or a girl, but it will be our seventh child and all of us are really excited! As far as business goes, we are insanely busy, working on several hotel projects, we have a big book coming out from Rizzoli in May (Downtown Chic) and we are building a new house for ourselves in Downtown Manhattan. With more being added every day. We like to challenge ourselves and follow our dream! Hmmm - is that all? Wow! Thanks Cortney!


Kimmie said...

That is seriously inspiring, WOW, impressive!

Anonymous said...

Love the kitchen! Can't wait to read the book.