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Moms on Monday ::
Lori Caden of The Belly Bandit

Have you heard of the Belly Bandit? "The Belly Bandit™ wrap is an abdominal compression binder designed to help you get your body back to its former fabulousness post childbirth." I can't wait to try it - but since I am currently pregnant, I'm thinking it's not a good idea to bind my belly while I'm growing a baby. But, you better believe I will strap it on ASAP post-baby. So, if you've tried it - let us know how it worked for you! (Right now, my sister-in-law is trying it out - she is 3 weeks post-baby. I'll let you know the results!) :)
Until then - a little more from founder & owner, Lori Caden...

i know a mom :: What inspired you to invent the Belly Bandit?

lori :: Research. After the birth of my first the thought of ever doing this again tormented my mind (and body). It took FOREVER to loose my belly – hence my nice pants went out of style before I actually got back in them. For centuries women in other cultures wrapped their bellies –but what they used to wrap their belly was awful looking. Being a fashion design major in college, I put my skills to work!

i know a mom :: What was the best piece of advice you received when starting your business?

lori :: Be prepared for set backs and headaches, but stick to your gut!

i know a mom :: What was the biggest obstacle when you were starting your business and how did you overcome it?

lori :: Being a 2nd time business owner – I had learned to become “thick skinned”.

i know a mom :: What has been the best part about owning your own business?

lori :: Being your own boss. Reaping the rewards – seeing your product out and about in stores and in magazines.

i know a mom :: What have you found to be the best way to get the word out about Belly Bandit?

lori :: My FANTASTIC publicist!!!

i know a mom :: What is next for Belly Bandit?

lori :: My lips are locked….you will see 2nd quarter of next year.

i know a mom :: I can't wait! What is your favorite way to take a break from the business?

lori :: Spending time with my kids, hiking with my husband, and the 1 quiet hr…with no phone or blackberry while getting a massage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard its been great for my sister in law!