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Moms on Monday ::
Kristen Ringo of Ringo Baby

I know...can you believe Christmas is right around the corner again? Someone asked for my address the other day so they could send me a Christmas Card. I thought - is it really that time again? Since the holidays can be a stressful time, I highly recommend getting the christmas card out of the way - with companies like Ringo Baby making it so easy, you have no excuses. Lucky for you, Ringo Baby is offering us a discount - you have a month to take advantage, so don't wait!

Here's more from Kristen and a little bit about Ringo Baby:

i know a mom :: Tell us about Ringo Baby and what sets you apart.

kristen :: Ringo Baby is a custom stationery design company, specializing in photo birth announcements, holiday cards, and invitations. There are several similar businesses out there, many run by passionate moms like myself. What sets Ringo Baby apart is our innovative product line. I think of our cards as little works of art, and can't bear the thought of them ever getting thrown away! So besides stylish designs, I've come up with some re-usable products that I hope become keepsakes, like our CD Cards, Bookmarks and Recipe Cards. These options are more eco-friendly as well.

i know a mom :: What inspired you to start your business?

kristen :: After the birth of my second son, I embraced the 21st century and gave digital scrapbooking a try. During this time, a friend of mine had just adopted a baby and I offered to design her baby announcements. Just like that, I was obsessed. I'd stumbled upon the perfect way to combine my creativity with my business acumen. I only completed a few digital scrapbook pages, but within 6 months of designing that first birth announcement, the Ringo Baby website was launched and taking orders.

i know a mom :: What has been a major challenge?

kristen :: The biggest challenge has been figuring out that infamous work-life balance, which is still a work in progress. Running a business from home is, in theory, the ideal way to spend maximum time with my boys while still working; but during busy times I sometimes just feel like an inattentive mom. When that happens, I try to compensate with extra "mommy time," like doing an fun art project together or taking a special outing. And I do a lot of explaining that I'm "always at the computer" so I can be home with them instead of going to an office every morning, hoping to make it home by dinner time.

i know a mom :: Can you tell us about a major success?
kristen :: Last Holiday season was the first time orders really started rolling in at a strong, consistent rate. I received some great online press, and the feedback from my customers was fabulous. I had put so much work into preparing for the season, and it was actually paying off! It was kind of a Sally Fields moment... "You like me. You really, really like me."
i know a mom :: On impossible days, what keeps you going?

kristen :: I imagine myself at my pre-kids job, sitting in a meeting. That's pretty much all it takes. The thought of sitting in that meeting, listening to other people talk (and talk and talk), all the while missing the first-grade music performance, or how my little one's face lights up when I pick him up from school - nothing seems more impossible than that.

i know a mom :: What was the best piece of advice you received starting out?

kristen :: My brother, who also runs his own business, sent me this quote when I first launched my website: "If you don't market your business, a funning thing happens. Nothing." When things get slow, I think of that quote and try to decide how to improve my marketing strategy.
i know a mom :: What resource do you turn to the most to aid in business advice?
kristen :: Here in Portland there is an amazing business group for local "mamapreneurs." The group conducts meetings, holds social gatherings, and runs a very comprehensive website that includes articles, links to helpful websites, and a large support community of fellow mama's in business. Definitely the first place I turn when I have a question. (And Google of course.)

i know a mom :: What is next for Ringo Baby?

kristen :: Getting through Holiday Season. All (well, almost all) of the prep is complete, and in a couple of weeks things should get a little crazy. The anticipication is exciting, and it's an exhilirating feeling when those orders start flowing in.

i know a mom :: What is your favorite way to take a break from the business?

kristen :: Spending focused time with my family, and getting silly with my kids. Allowing myself to really get silly is one of the best stress-relievers I know! (A good book with a latte at a coffee shop isn't so bad, either.)

DISCOUNT: Save 15% on Holiday Orders placed by 11/18/08 - code: IKMEB15

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