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Moms on Monday ::
Staci of Quirky Bird

I have come across the design work of Staci Brillhart's work frequently - she is the {uber-talented} designer behind Quirky Bird - a web and graphic design company. She was recently interviewed on

What inspired you start your business?

I owned my own boutique designing gear and clothing for kids and needed a site! I cracked open photoshop and dreamweaver and started tinkering around and enjoyed it so much. I had a friend who needed a site so I helped her, then she sent a friend to me who then told her message board and it all started there!

How long has Quirky Bird Designs been in business?

I’ve been designing sites since November of 2004.

What did you do in your past work life?

I waited tables for years and years through college, then opened an online baby boutique.

What is your ideal workday like?

My ideal workday: wake up at 8, check email and sip my java. From 9 till 1130 or so I answer emails and take care of scheduled calls with clients, then break for lunch with my family. Afternoon is my quiet work time, I like to hide up in our office and work on designs until 5 when I break for the night.

What have been some of your major successes and challenges?

Working from home with my two girls has been a huge challenge for me. Sometimes it’s hard to be on the phone and focus on the art I’m creating. Also, for a long time I was the only person working for Quirky Bird. To be the only one who can help my clients is a stressful thing!! I want them to be taken care of promptly but I still have so much work to do, so I’m very thankful that I have such a great team helping me and my clients. Major successes - I’m #2 on google for hip web design and have climbed 2 pages (from #44 to #22) for boutique web design in only a few weeks. I’ve gotten fantastic feedback from my clients and they’ve been so great to recommend me to so many people. We’re also booking four months in advance, which is so amazing for us!

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?

I really love my job. Really, truly, and deeply. So even on the days when I’m having a hard time, I’m still happy because I love what I do! I’m helping people, being creative, and I own my own business, who could ask for more?

There's here to read the rest...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love her design! Wish I would have discovered her earlier!