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Moms on Monday :: Jamie Bird of
MiniMe Baby Gear & Wet Happened?

The Wet Happened? Zippered Wet Bag was created for all those times you need to separate wet items when you are out and about, and as an added bonus, they are stylish too! They will grow with your child; from diapers through potty training and you will always have a fashionable and stylish way to store wet items.

Jamie Bird is the inventor behind Wet Happened? and also the owner of a fabulous baby boutique, MiniMe Baby Gear.

I asked Jamie about the start of her business and the inspiration behind it...."When I started my business, I did not even know initially what I was going to sell. All I knew was that I needed to find something to do from home; working long hours away from my baby was no longer cutting it. Inspiration struck while I was visiting my mother across the country and happened upon her 30-year-old sewing machine. It was a solid metal Kenmore and weighed close to 22 pounds. Looking at my mom's clunker of a machine, I am not really sure what I was thinking. Even sewing a straight stitch was not all that natural to me. I lugged that machine across three airports, determined to create something to sell.

I went to the library in search of a good How-To book upon my return home, and fell in love with creating baby accessories. I went to work, sewing seams, ripping them out, and sewing them again, better the second and third and fourth time around. I offered up the creations each week, and started getting repeat customers and referrals soon after.

Since my mom lived cross-country, I flew frequently with my first. My son saved his wettest, messiest accidents for in-flight entertainment. I would return to my seat with the stinky mess in tow, and slip it into the back pocket of my diaper bag. A large mess ensued when I later removed it for wash. I realized that every parent had a need for a sturdy, washable bag to capture the wet accidents that come into children’s’ lives so frequently. The bag needed to look fantastic, too, as most moms I knew were hip, fashion-conscious women. The first wet bag I created was a process of testing out different waterproof fabrics, stitching them various ways to best water holding abilities, scouring over fabrics, and trying to make the sides look seamless. Endless hours were spent perfecting that, and I focus mainly on manufacturing the Wet Happened? wet bags these days."

i know a mom :: What did you do before becoming a mompreneur? How did it help you in this venture?

jamie :: I worked in an investment banking office as an assistant to the Senior Vice President. It was a desk job, one that lacked any type of creativity or color. Although my heart was not into the financial service industry, I did learn tenacity. My boss did not graduate high school, yet here he was making upwards of a million dollars a year. Seeing the way he worked was inspiring. I knew anything was possible.

i know a mom :: What is next for MiniMe Baby Gear & WetHappened?

jamie :: I love to find new and exciting baby products to offer through MiniMe BabyGear. It is a joy to find something that makes moms life easier, so I plan on adding more products this next year that fit that category. Affordable yet luxurious. For the Wet Happened? wet bags, I am working on creating an organics line. Four whimsical patterns will be added. The Wet Happened? wet bag will also be offered in two additional sizes and three new patterns are set to debut the first of the year.

i know a mom :: What are your most popular products?

jamie :: Other than the Wet Happened? wet bags, the changing pads by
Resa Design are very popular. They are compact and beautiful to use. MadebyAngie Wipes cases are also a great addition to a diaper bag. Anything that makes you happy to change a diaper is a good thing in my book.

i know a mom :: What is the most difficult part of being a mom business owner?

jamie :: Hands down, the hardest part is finding time to work. Our day is busy enough; the only time I really get to work is in the evening after my kids have gone to bed. Working from home makes it near impossible to take a night off. The work is always there, and sometimes the amount of work that needs accomplishing is overwhelming.

i know a mom :: The most rewarding?

jamie :: The most rewarding is two-fold. First, I get to be with my kids. I never miss picking up my son from preschool; I never miss a grin or inhaling the sweet smell of a baby after a bath. I love those moments. It also is very gratifying to watch a business grow. I have no formal training, yet my Wet Happened? bags are sold on the shelves at Target. It still amazes me.

i know a mom :: What was the best piece of advice you received starting out?

jamie :: The best piece of advice I received was to find other moms in the same industry and help each other out. It would have been more difficult to grow as quickly as I have without it. So often, I contact another mom to ask advice or opinions. It saves me a lot of time and energy, and I have met some wonderful friends along the way!

GIVEAWAY :: Enter to win a Wet Happened? Bag. To enter, post a comment on this post - any comment at all. Enter by Tuesday, October 7th at 10:00 pm (pst). If your contact information is not linked to your google account, don't forget to leave your contact information in your comment. (If winner does not come forward within one week, a new winner will be randomly selected.) Or you can check back on Wednesday, October 8th to see if you won! Anonymous comments will be ignored/removed. One entry per person, please. Good luck!!

DISCOUNT :: 10% off your purchase at MiniMe Baby Gear. Use coupon code "MINIME".


Think about it said...

those are cute, count me in this giveaway.

arbrashears said...

These are such an ingenious idea -- and definitely one that would be put to good use for us! Please count me in!


Anonymous said...

Very stylish -- what a great concept! Hope I win. :)

Miss Spoken said...

Great product!

mar said...

I like this. It would be great for the beach also.

mrs.mommyy said...

truly glad you stuck to your guns- these are VERY needed

Chris said...

I would love this my 4 yr has had accidents from time to time and never have a baggy to put them in.
Thanks you for the contest!!!

mverno said...

i would love to win

Maja said...

i need it

Anonymous said...

I would love this! Very neat idea and better then carrying around grocery bags to put stuff in it.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. This is such a cool idea.

rebbi511 at

rosannepm said...

Great idea

kygirl said...

This is a great idea.

rbauske said...

I would love to win this. Great idea

Anonymous said...

Count me in to win this neat product.

Karen said...

So cute - enter me please :)

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

Those would sure come in handy...great idea!

kdkdkd said...

As a Mom I of two boys in diapers I know exactly wet happened LOL. This bag is a wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. EVERY traveler's going to need one of these sooner or later!

littlelatina said...

Great idea. I could have used one several times

DePro said...

I could really use one of these.

Anonymous said...

I'd love this! We gave away all of our baby items after #3, then I had a surrogate baby for friends and now we want #4 but are starting over in the way of essentials! Eeeks.

Thank you. :) alison523 at gmail dot com


This would be SO handy!

toughturtles said...

very well done thanks

karebear said...

What a great idea.

kristilb19 said...

I'd lovvve to win one for my son due Oct 18!

Jenn S. said...

This would come in handy. Count me in!

janetfaye said...

Great useful product!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

hayley said...

I'd love this- thanks for the chance to win!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

mogrill said...

Really great! Thank you so much.

Armywife73 said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

RE said...

Beautiful prints! Thanks for the giveaway!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

count me in

Anonymous said...

These are such a brilliant idea in a darling package!

Anonymous said...


vboackle said...

great idea and pretty designs.

bagfashionista said...

I just realized that by using cloth diapers, I'd need to have a wet bag handy in the diaper bag.....this would be extremely handy AND will not affect my "cool" factor at all!

Kari said...

Much better than using ziplocks!! :)

justicecw said...

Great idea and cute prints to choose from. thanks for the chance,

Aisling said...

Jamie seems to have been given some very good advice (about networking with other moms). Congratulations to her on her successful business. This is a great idea and her fabrics are great.

Nance said...

These are a great idea!

Erica G said...

Wonderful idea! Count me in!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

taxchyk said...

I love this idea, and thanks for the contest.

purplepassion126 said...

These are great! Please enter me--thanks!

cristina said...

cute designs. i could use one of those for my 1 year old

mvap4 said...

great promotion!

Stacia said...

Love these! I need one for my diaper bag for my cloth diapers!

Anonymous said...

What a great product, thanks.

RodsAngel said...

Hope I win.

redron said...

want to win this

stokesmichellebrandy said...

WOW, great idea!! I want to start up a business I just don't know what!! Congrats on the success! And those are so cute, I need one!

Ally said...

Thank you for this giveaway!! I enjoyed reading the interview.

agsweeps [@] hotmail [.] com


bison61 said...

great idea-very handy

tiramisu392 (at)

yellowlabs said...

Very cute. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Tipper said...

This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone making these. I would love to give one a try.

Anonymous said...

This would be awesome to have. Thanks for the entry.

Anonymous said...

Sweet niblets!

Unknown said...

This would be great for when my son spits up.

Lynn H said...

What a GREAT IDEA...I would love to win this!

iggysaysno said...

This would solve our "where the heck am I going to carry this" problem, lol

Jennifer said...

What a great idea, please enter me for this great bag! Thanks for the giveaway!


carissaad said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

carissaad at aol dot com

Tammy said...

Thanks, so much nicer than a ziploc bag lol!

pitaharmon said...

I love the zippered Wet Happened bag! I could so use 4 of them (4 messy kids) but I will settle for one. These are so cool. I can't wait for an accident or mess to happen so I can use it! (If I win).

Ashley said...

Very cute and practical. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

With two small kids, these would be so handy to have!

cman said...

I love the In Transit Wet Happened? bag :)

Candie L said...

I really enjoyed the interview. I always admire people who leave a secure business opportunity and follow their dreams. Here is to more continued success

Bakersdozen said...

These are a great idea. Please enter me.


Anonymous said...

Pick me, I'm really going to need one of these!

memetu said...

A wet bag is a travel must have.

masonsgranny59 said...

I would love to win this. Great idea

Helen said...

What a great idea!

bkh61959 said...

Wonderful idea! Count me in!

Storm Safety Blog said...

The beach, the pool, accidents -- this wet bag idea is a wonderful idea! It will always come in handy!

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

Donna said...

Count me in please.

ldrnc2000 said...

Neat prize! I would love to win! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Amy said...

Hi - my comment - my any comment - have a great day!