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Moms on Monday ::
Dominique & Melinda of The Mini Social

Designer Clothing. For you. For baby. Sample sales. Up to 60% off. In the comfort of your own home.

Now I know I have your attention! That is what The Mini Social is all about. The two mompreneurs behind The Mini Social, Dominique MacPherson & Melinda Marinack, are really on to something here. They have done all the legwork to host two {or more} designer socials a week that feature designer clothing at up to 60% off...invitation only, so be sure to sign up before their launch date - Monday, September 15th. I know what I'll be doing next Monday!

i know a mom :: Tell us a little about The Mini Social and the story behind the idea…

Melinda :: After we had kids, Dominique and I were looking for something to take us out of our corporate lives. We wanted to do something that we would truly enjoy and that would allow us to spend more time with our young children. We focused on businesses we knew, for me, the apparel industry and for Dominique, e-commerce. Creating The Mini Social, was a perfect fit. It married both of our experiences with the thing we loved for our kids!

i know a mom :: You obviously love fashion and a good sale! Who are your favorite designers?

Dominique :: Well, having two girls means I really was mostly aware of girls brands. I really love Flora and Henri, Imps & Elves and Splendid. There are so many great kids designers these days! But, I have to say that Baby Susu is seriously making me want to have a baby boy. The line is just fantastic.

Melinda :: I'll assume you mean children's designers since we rarely have the opportunity to shop for ourselves anymore! I love all of the brands we are launching with; Puella, Charlie Rocket, Nest as well as Tea Collection and Lucy Sykes.

i know a mom ::
After the initial idea for The Mini Social, how long did it take to plan for and execute?

Melinda :: We had been wrking on the idea for about a year, however it only took about six months to actually execute it once we pulled the trigger. Have you had any help along the way, from other business owners?

Dominique :: We were really fortunate to have many friends and mentors who helped in lots of ways. From reviewing press releases, to making introductions to some of the brands, we've had some great advice. Having both worked for major companies that were started by female entrepreneurs, we were able to learn from their successes and mistakes.

i know a mom :: Can you suggest any valuable resources that have offered great advice?

Melinda :: I would suggest getting advice from any industry professional that you admire. You'd be surprised at how willing and happy they are to help. We'd be on the phone with friends and former colleagues whenever we had a question or needed advice. For the financial side of things, the Small Business Association is a great resource. They offer low cost seminars, as well as free counseling with experienced business executives such as trademark lawyers and accountants. They can also help you get a loan.

i know a mom :: What is your favorite way to take a break from the business?

Dominique :: Right now, it's just so much fun to see the website come to life. I enjoy every minute of it. However, the best part of the day by far, for both of us, is going home and spending time with our kids.

Are you sensing a recurring theme here? Almost weekly, the mompreneurs that we interview all express the same simple pleasure of spending time with their children and families at the end of the day. That's what it's all about, after all. Thanks Dominique & Melinda - we can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

1 comment:

Shaping Youth said...

Just found your blog while I was exploring the sample sale/value focus for a 'sign of the times' economic angle on Shaping (along with the new site 'Free Internet' on special deals and such)

I'm Amy Jussel, Founder/Exec. Dir. (and yes, mompreneur) of our start-up nonprofit consortium where we focus on media and marketing's impact on kids. I write for Eco Child's Play too, so it looks like we've got significant overlap!

Pleasure to virtually handshake, and thanks for this interview w/the sample sale gang, I'll no doubt link back in the post...