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Moms on Monday :: Elisa Fairman of Wonderfully Made for You

This week, we will be featuring brand spankin' new websites and I'm excited to start with Wonderfully Made for You! Elisa Fairman is the mama behind this adorable clothing line. Elisa opened an Etsy shop last July and it went so well, she just launched her own online boutique a week ago!

Here's the story...

iknowamom :: How did you get started creating the clothing & subsequently opening your store?

elisa :: It all began when I had an idea to make gift giving more affordable. We were always going to birthday parties and events that required time for shopping for gifts for all of them and always felt that I could never find "the perfect" gift. So, I started by handpainting tee shirts for gifts for children and babies with designs that I felt reflected their personalities or party themes. After about 1 year, friends and family began asking me to make gifts for them to give. Quickly word began to get out that I made these handmade one of kind little goodies. Everyone told me that I should start selling them, so I thought about it for months......and figured that I would give it a shot since I enjoyed it so much! I started selling locally by word of mouth and would take orders over the phone or through email. It began to grow to a point where my web prorammer husband said that we really needed a website, which we just launched on June 1st 2008.

iknowamom :: Where do you get inspiration for your work?

elisa :: My inspiration comes mostly from my God-given miracles, my 3 girls. With such various style and personalities, there are always ideas floating around in my head. I get alot of input from them and their friends. It also helps to keep up with the latest fabrics and fashion trends and whip them up into something that will impact somebody somewhere. Tee shirts are always in style at any age, but the designs that go on them should be positive, kid friendly, kid chosen and designs that will help them to celebrate who they were created to be!

iknowamom :: How do you get the word out about your collection?

elisa :: Initially, it was all by word of mouth. Now, with our website launching, we have ads going into local/regional magazines and are always looking for great opportunities for exposure through other websites, blogs and networking websites.

iknowamom :: What is your favorite item?

elisa :: I would have to say that my favorite item (as of right now) is the Candyland Name tee (shown left). It was inspired by 2 of my nieces that were having a joint birthday party that was an amazing Candyland Rainbow theme. It is our best seller right now.

iknowamom :: Incidentally, my favorite item is the Wonderfully Made maternity tee. I love the meaning behind it and the look! What would you say is the biggest challenge you face in your business?

elisa :: Now that we have gotten this business off the ground and things are going smoothly and orders are coming in consistently, I would have to say that my biggest challenge is time to design new things. Besides being a mom to 3, a wife and a business owner.....I also homeschool, so my time is very very precious, as I always want to put God and my family before anything else. With the school year coming to a close, I have some new ideas that will launch soon, just in time for summer!

iknowamom :: What piece of advice would you give others when they are in the beginning stages of opening a business or working from home?

elisa :: I have learned in my life that anything that matters and anything that leaves an impact will require sacrifice. You will have to be diligent and set goals, have a plan and make a schedule. Your homelife may change a bit, like your house may not be as tidy as before and you may not get everything done in a day that you thought you would. It is so important to make AND keep priorities. As always, if you have been called to do this, refer to the Lord who will guide your every step. It is also a good idea to check with the state that you live in and research what types of things, forms and licensing are required to run the business that you are choosing and to know BEFORE you begin that there is a market for what what you are wanting to do.

iknowamom :: What is your favorite way to unwind & get away from the business?

elisa :: Spending time with my family and friends and travelling. I absolutely LOVE going to the ocean. It is a reminder to me that God is so much bigger than me and my circumstances. It is my favorite thing in all His creation! I could sit in amazement and watch the waves hit the sand hour after hour. On our last trip to the beach, I did this very thing.....but also had visions of sea life being appliqued on tank tops and t shirts! I just can't seem to ever be away from my Ultimate Inspiration Giver!

Thanks Elisa - best of luck to you and congratulations on the new website!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute!!! Great gift idea.