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Moms on Monday :: Jennifer Marchetti of Goosie Cards

Okay - this is truly one of those "why didn't I think of that" business ideas! I am really excited to introduce you to Goosie Cards. They are the first and only custom flash cards for children. They promote learning in such a personal way - and it's perfect opportunity to spend quality time with your little one.

April is Autism Awareness Month + CNBC recently reported on Goosie Cards' participation in supporting autism awareness, "The launch of Goosie Cards triggered an overwhelming response from parents, teachers and medical professionals in the autism community. Since Goosie Cards can be customized with personal photos and text to fit the needs of each specific child, they have become powerful teaching tools for autistic children."

Let's meet Jennifer Marchetti, the founder of Goosie Cards...

iknowamom :: What was the inspiration behind goosie cards?

jennifer :: Goosie Cards® was inspired by my son Zach, then 6 months, after we spent some time looking at generic flash cards and family photos during his lunch time. I liked to keep his hands busy during feedings so I would give him flash cards and photos to hold. I started thinking about the photos on the flash cards and realized that they really didn't hold a meaning in his life. And that's when the idea hit me! What if I could teach my son about people and things that were familiar to him with personalized flash cards? I put him down for a nap and started to research the concept that afternoon and realized that there was not another company or service creating custom flash cards. I named the company Goosie, which is my son's nickname, and began my journey. I tested out my concept with my playgroup that consisted of four other moms and toddlers. I created a bunch of cards with photos of all the children in our group. My idea was a hit! All the children loved the cards and the moms thought they were a great way to be proactive in their child's early learning by creating their own personalized learning tools. I turned my passion into a business and Goosie Cards was launched a year later in June 2006.

iknowamom :: What has been the biggest accomplishment so far in your business?

jennifer :: I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to have a business that truly helps and educates all children. The birth of Goosie was based on the simple approach of using photos to teach your child. It was fun, playful and educational. It wasn't until I launched Goosie Cards that I understood what an impact my cards would have on teaching children with special needs, especially autism. The direct connection to real, visual objects enables autistic children to easily associate words with the corresponding object, and therefore making it easier to communicate. That is what is so amazing about my journey! My proudest, most rewarding accomplishment is knowing that I can truly help and support the autistic community with one of the most advanced, communication learning systems. The wonderful thing about Goosie Cards is that they are for every child!

iknowamom ::
What do you love most about owning your own business?

jennifer ::
I love that my family inspires me and is a part of Goosie. My husband works with me now, so we are both privileged to be "stay at home" parents and run our business. It's wonderful because we each take time during the day to get work done, so when one is working the other gets to spend quality time with the kids (Zach, 3 years and Luke, 8 months). It's a great balance for us and our children. I also feel proud to be a "mompreneur" that has launched a successful business that is both fun and educational.

iknowamom ::
Do you have any tips/tricks that you can share with us that help keep you an organized & successful business owner?

jennifer ::
If you are mom, then you can multi-task like a mother! You can truly get a lot of things done in between naps and after bedtime. If not, hire someone to give you some time each week to just focus and get your thoughts down on paper. I started a "Priority List" that I still work off of every day. If you take time to plan your work, then just work your plan. Don't get overwhelmed by how much needs to be done, just take each task at a time and it will take you where you want to go. Be patient and don't rush the process, even if it takes you longer than you think.

iknowamom ::
What do you do when you need a break?

jennifer ::
Since I am a stay at home mom AND own my own business, I have no time for myself to just "be". So, when I can get out of the house for awhile, I like to treat myself to a pedicure or massage so I can just relax my mind for awhile. I am laughing as I type this because it's been awhile since I have had some time alone! Time to make an appointment! :)

Thank you, Jennifer!

Goosie Cards is offering 15% off your entire order through the end of April. Details

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